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VA Smalltalk 9.2 - 9.2.1 - 9.2.2 icon

VA Smalltalk 9.2.1 Readme

Welcome to VA Smalltalk Version 9.2.1

VA Smalltalk enables software developers to create highly portable, scalable, multi-tier business applications using object-oriented technology. VA Smalltalk allows for incremental and rapid development of new Smalltalk applications. Developers can build and deploy enterprise Web service solutions for dynamic e-business using VA Smalltalk.

-64-bit object hash quality improved to further increase virtual machine performance
-Just-in-time compiler updated to better handle some rare and hard-to-duplicate edge cases

-HiDPI improvements across the VAST Platform
-Fixes and enhancements to the Scintilla-based editor

-SMTP mail framework enhanced to support a wider range of standard and non-standard servers
-Socket framework resource usage optimizations and stability improvements

Development Tools:
-64-bit support added for stack dump snapshots

-Updated Migration Guide

Late-breaking news, technical tips, and product updates
SELinux Not Supported
VA Smalltalk does not yet support running on Linux distributions with SELinux enabled. This includes current flavors of Red Hat, Fedora and CentOS. To run VA Smalltalk on these distributions, SELinux must be disabled. Run the sestatus command to determine if SELinux is enabled.

Post-Release Tips and Updates
Please refer to the Instantiations Smalltalk home page for technical information including tips and product updates made after this product release. The web page includes information about what's included in the release, and how to contact us as well as hints and tips for using and deploying VA Smalltalk.

You can download the latest product updates, as well as product add-ons, from the Instantiations Smalltalk download page.

Distributed Files
Product Installer
The product installer installs the Client and Manager components of the VA Smalltalk product as well as a development IDE setup tool. The Client component contains the VA Smalltalk development IDE. The Manager component contains the VA Smalltalk library (source code repository) file and the EMSRV code used to access the repository file in a team environment. There are two versions of the product installer: one for 32-bit and one for 64-bit installations.
Documentation Archive
Uncompress the documentation archive to get a local copy of the VA Smalltalk documentation onto your workstation.
Server Runtime
This is the runtime support needed for deploying Smalltalk applications developed using VA Smalltalk. There is no formal install program for Server Runtime. You simply unpack the runtime files and add your packaged Smalltalk application into the resulting directory structure. You must download and unpack the correct Server Runtime package for your workstation operating system. The files needed to include at runtime are listed in Redistributable Runtime Files.
Run the downloaded VA Smalltalk Product Installer, VASmalltalk-9.2.1x86.exe (32-bit) or VASmalltalk-9.2.1x64.exe. (64-bit)

Complete installation instructions, such as how to set up EMSRV, can be found in the Installation Guide. The Installation Guide can be read online at Installation Guide, or locally after you unpack the VA Smalltalk Documentation Archive.

If you are doing a Custom install, to install the Manager on a different machine than the Client(s), we recommend you install the Manager first.

Once you have installed the Manager and the Client, refer to the Installation Guide for further instructions on how to use the Environments tool to configure your environment so you can launch VA Smalltalk.

If you are using the headless installer to install the Manager alone, make sure the directory into which you want to install the manager has been created before starting the headless install. Refer to the Installation Guide for further instructions.

If you are installing on Windows Server:

The manager is not installed when installing the product with both client and server portions present (the typical or default installation configuration).
Copy %tmp%InstantiationsVA Smalltalk9.2.1managermgr921tmp.dat to and rename it mgr921.dat. By default, is C:ProgramDataInstantiationsVA Smalltalk9.2.1manager. to determine %tmp%, open a command terminal and enter echo %tmp% .
Uncompress the downloaded VA Smalltalk Product Installer for your platform and your preference for 32-bit or 64-bit. Choose whether you would like to install the full standalone product, or just the client or manager configuration. Before running the Product installer, change directory to where vainstall is.

Run the Product Installer by executing sudo ./vainstall standalone in a terminal.
Run the Product Installer by executing sudo ./vainstall manager in a terminal.
Run the Product Installer by executing sudo ./vainstall client in a terminal.
Complete installation instructions, such as how to set up EMSRV, can be found in the Installation Guide. The Installation Guide can be read online at Installation Guide, or locally after you unpack the VA Smalltalk Documentation Archive.

If you are doing a Custom install, to install the Manager on a different machine than the Client(s), we recommend you install the Manager first.

Note: There are special steps for installing on Linux which are documented in the Installation Guide.

Once you have installed the Manager and the Client, refer to the Installation Guide for further instructions on how to use the Environments tool to configure your environment so you can launch VA Smalltalk.

Migration Guide
If you have a version of VA Smalltalk already installed, please refer to the Migration Guide for important information before using VA Smalltalk V9.2.1. The Migration Guide can be read online at Migration Guide, as a pdf or it can be read locally if you installed local documentation.

Corrections and Enhancements
Case Title
----- ----------------------------------------------------------
64815 Fixes to enable 64 bits stack dump
65042 "AbtReportPrinter default" icons size fixes for HiDPI
65395 Feature Loading Progress Bar fixes for HiDPI
65396 With HiDPI active, arrow to resize browser sized too small
65404 Composition editor window sized too large with HiDPI
65420 VM Prevent using possibly moved object when JIT is enabled
65421 Rebrand Environments - apply brand 1.5
65438 Detect if Scintilla editor is destroyed on parse tree update
65440 Invalid memory alloc argument in Scintilla editor
65464 SMTP Ensure single AUTH value is converted to collection in EHLO
65466 SMTP Recache capabilities on HELO fallback
65469 Sort reports of "Tools" -> "Query"
65476 Add .ws file extension to list for default smalltalk highlighting in workspaces
65478 SMTP Remove initial empty client req
65479 SMTP Allow login API to accept nil param
65496 String>>#abtAsNumber enhancement
65497 Improve Scintilla behavior with HiDPI
65526 'parts' font inheritance framework update for HiDPI
65529 Automatically detect new HiDPI scale factor in VAST
65531 Fix selector identification from selected text in StsScintillaSmalltalkStyler
65533 Allow user to override default font used for widgets
65538 Make #callFreeAddrinfoWith async
65539 Fix thread leak in sockets #connect due to non local return and document limitation
65564 Ensure PEM read/write password args are null terminated
65571 Composition Editor selecting of columns broken with HiDPI support
65624 HiDPI Parts pasted from one comp editor window to another can result in overlapping parts
65627 VM Fix 9.2 Windows crash for immediate objects calling isWeak and isInFixedSpace
65628 AbtOleClientView (OLE Client part) work area and bounding box do not match as scaling > 100%
65632 Comp Editor parts tab strips sizing tweaks after loading ST WidgetKit/Control Feature
65644 Call to DPIScaler before initialization causes walkback
65651 VisualAge Organizer font needs to be hooked in to the Browser Font
65652 HiDPI - need an accessor to access the DPIScaler singleton
65660 Add support for centering a view on the screen
65669 Handle nil drawable value at end of each DPIScaler class>>autoScale*:drawable method
65674 WidgetFontName enhancements need to be applied to Linux specific sub app(s)
65690 Walkback when moving Composition Editor from 125% scaling monitor to 100% scaling monitor
65691 Make EmLibraryInterface more error resilient on runtimes walkback dumping
65692 Fix AbtContainerDetailsView/AbtContainerDetailsColumn drawing artifacts with 125% scaling
65703 Fix scrolling of table widgets in edit mode
65707 Object hash optimizations for VAST 64-bit
65722 WindowBuilder Pro map needs to update the linux version of the ENVY/Image Extended Widgets to latest
65731 Remove empty class extension of CgDisplay in CwImplementationSupport subapp
65732 Remove empty class extension of Object from WindowsCompatiblePlatformInterface subapp
65739 Sockets Communications Apps sending #yourself without previous cascade
65740 Adding more SciError safe guards to SciSocketManage
65756 Build Environments upgraded to 9.2.1
65766 Update ntsir, ntsrv to use hi-res icons


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