FAQ : Platform Support (Linux, Windows) : Q: How do I prepare a 64-bit Linux machine to run 32-bit VA Smalltalk?
Q: How do I prepare a 64-bit Linux machine to run 32-bit VA Smalltalk?
When I try to install VA Smalltalk on a 64-bit version of Linux, the setup program fails with an error message about not being able to find an executable file and/or a message about finding a file with a bad ELF format.
This FAQ covers versions of VA Smalltalk 8.6.3 or earlier. Later VAST installers automatically load prerequiste packages.
Before version 9.0 VA Smalltalk was only avalable as a 32-bit program that is linked against the 32-bit Linux libraries. Starting in version 9.1 the product is delivered as 64-bit and 32-bit programs.
It is possible to install the 32-bit product on a 64-bit versionof Linux. However the 32-bit libraries are not typically installed on 64-bit Linux (and may not ship in the distribution). Therefore, you need to install these libraries before VA Smalltalk will run.
You will need 32-bit versions of libc, pam (for PAM authentication for emsrv) and possibly libssl (for use of OpenSSL security).
Environments for VA Smalltalk (available starting in VA Smalltalk version 8.6) requires xterm. If you do not have xterm installed on your system, you can use apt-get, dnf, or yum to install it on Linux; xterm is shipped with most versions of Aix.
The process for doing the (download and) install differs by Linux platform:
For Fedora 22 and later, use the following command to install the required 32-bit libraries:
sudo dnf install glibc.i686
sudo dnf install pam.i686
For Fedora 12 through 21, use the following command to install the required 32-bit libraries:
sudo yum install glibc.i686
sudo yum install pam.i686
For Fedora 11 and earlier, use the following command to install the required 32-bit libraries:
sudo yum install glibc.i586
sudo yum install pam-i586
For Ubuntu 13.10 and later, use the following command to install the required 32-bit libraries:
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386
sudo apt-get install libpam-modules:i386
For Ubuntu 13.04 and earlier, use the following commands to install the required 32-bit libraries:
sudo aptitude install ia32-libs
sudo aptitude install libpam-modules:i386
Note: If your application uses other components (such as a database interface module), these components may require other 32-bit libraries. You should refer to the documentation of these other components for their specific requirements.
Last modified date: 07/04/2018