Step 2: Add parts to AlarmClockView
When completed,
AlarmClockView has the following user interface:

To define this user interface, first, add two push buttons to the empty window in the Composition Editor:
1. Select

(Buttons category) and

(Push Button part) from the parts palette. After you select them, the status line along the bottom of the editor shows:
Category: Buttons Part: Push Button
2. Click on the Sticky checkbox in the lower left of the editor so it shows a check mark. You now can add multiple push buttons to the empty window without having to select the Push Button part again.
3. Click on the lower-left and then on the lower-right of the window. This adds the push buttons.

4. Click on

(the Selection tool) on the Tool bar to disarm the
Next, add the other parts. You'll need:
Parts to add
Where they are in the parts palette
1 Multi-line Edit


4 Labels


2 Spin Buttons


After you add the parts, the window resembles:

Last modified date: 08/01/2019