3270 Terminal part
Select the 3270 Terminal part to add a 3270 Terminal. The part represents a format-free screen surface and keyboard. The part should be considered as a lower level abstraction than the 3270 Screen part. Because the screen is not formatted the application must manage the cursor location and determine what screen is currently displayed.

3270 Hllapi category.
Class Name:
3270 Terminal Attributes
cursorPosition (Point)
The cursorPosition attribute represents a point that gives the current column and row position of the cursor.
foundPosition (Point)
The foundPosition attribute represents a point that gives the column and row position of the last successful find.
lastError (<className>)
The lastError attribute is the last error that occurred. You can tear off the lastError attribute to access the error information.
self (<className>)
The self attribute represents the part itself, and you cannot change the basic definition of a part. In general, the self attribute is a read-only attribute, and is used for passing a value or values to another part. It is not used for receiving any values.
For example, you can connect the self attribute of an Ordered Collection part to the items attribute of a List part. The Ordered Collection part does not change to a different type of part because of the connection. Instead, the Ordered Collection part populates the List part with the items that it contains.
You can use the self attribute in an attribute-to-attribute connection, as a parameter in an event-to-action connection, or wherever an attribute can be used.
sessionID (String)
The sessionID attribute represents the single-character that identifies the session that is being used.
shortSessionID (String)
The shortSessionID attribute represents the single-character designator for the session that is being used.
3270 Terminal Actions
The destroyPart action destroys the part and its children, and releases all associated resources. You can use this action for both visual and nonvisual parts. All connections to the destroyed part are removed.
enter: (String) andWaitForString: (String)
The enter:andWaitForString: action sends a string and the Enter key, then waits for a second string. The enter:andWaitForString: action takes two parameters. The first parameter is a string that the 3270 Terminal part types on the screen at the current cursor location. At that point the terminal part sends the Enter key. Then the 3270 Terminal part will wait until it finds the second parameter, also a string, on the screen.
enterCommand: (String)
The enterCommand: action types a string into the screen, followed by the Enter key. The enterCommand: action takes one parameter, which is the string representing the command you want to type onto the screen.
findString: (String)
The findString: action searches the entire screen for the specified string and returns a result of either true or false. If the result is true, the foundPosition attribute is updated.
The key5250PgDown action sends the 5250 PageDown key
The key5250PgUp action sends the 5250 PageUp key.
The keyAttn action sends the Attn key.
The keyBacktab action sends the Backtab key
The keyClear action sends the Clear key.
The keyDelete action sends the Delete key.
The keyDown action sends the Down key.
The keyEnter action sends the Enter key.
The keyEOF action sends the EraseEndOfFile key.
The keyEraseInput action sends the EraseInput key.
The keyHome action sends the cursor Home key.
The keyLeft action sends the cursor Left key.
keyPA: (Integer)
The keyPA: action sends the PA key whose number is given as a parameter. For example, if the passed parameter is a 2, then the PA2 key is sent.
keyPF: (Integer)
The keyPF: action sends the PF key whose number is given as a parameter. For example, if the passed parameter is a 3, then the PF3 key is sent.
The keyRight action sends the cursor Right key.
The keyTab action sends the Tab key.
The keyUp action sends the cursor Up key.
The setInsertModeOn action sets insert mode on, regardless of the current state.
The setInsertModeOff action sets insert mode off, regardless of the current state.
stringAt: (Point) for: (Integer)
The stringAt:for: action returns the contents of the screen based on the two parameters passed: The first parameter is a location on the screen (column and row), and the second parameter is an integer which represents the length.
type: (String)
The type: action puts the specified string at the current cursor location on the screen. It can include special control and function keys by using the HLLAPI escape character, which is the at sign (@).
3270 Terminal Events
The destroyedPart event signals that the part and its children have been destroyed. Any system resources associated with the destroyed parts have been released.
The errorOccurred event signals that an action has caused an error.
The searchFailed event signals that the string specified on the findString: action was not found.
The searchSuccessful event signals that the string specified on the findString: action was found.