Parts pane
The Parts pane lists the parts (or classes) contained in an application selected in the Applications pane.
By default, the Parts pane uses the Flowed Icon View to list the parts. You can change the display to a Details View or a Icon View by selecting a choice from the View choice of the Parts menu.
What do the puzzle pieces indicate?

beside a part's name denotes that the part is a visual part.

denotes that the part is a nonvisual part.

denotes that the part is a Smalltalk class.
Working with a part
To work with a part, select the part and then do any of the following:
•Select a menu choice from the Parts menu.
•Select a menu choice from the part's pop-up menu.
•Select a tool from the tool bar.
Working with the contents of the pane
To select a choice from the pop-up menu which affects the contents of the Parts pane, click mouse button 2 on an open space in the Parts pane while no parts are selected. (For AIX and Linux, use mouse button 3.) Then, select a choice from the pop-up menu.
Last modified date: 02/28/2018