Applications pane
The Applications pane lists applications in your image.
Which applications are listed?
If the View toggle of the Applications menu is set to VA Smalltalk applications, it lists applications that you have made in VA Smalltalk or loaded into your image. If the toggle is set to Show all Applications, it lists all VA Smalltalk/VAST Platform applications in your image.
What do the folders indicate?

beside an application's name denotes that the application is selected.

denotes that the application is not selected.
Working with an application
To work with an application, select the application and then do any of the following:
•Select a menu choice from the Applications menu.
•Select a menu choice from the application's pop-up menu.
•Select a tool from the tool bar.
Working with the contents of the pane
To select a choice from the pop-up menu which affects the contents of the Applications pane, click mouse button 2 (or mouse button 3 for Unix platforms) on an open space in the Applications pane while no applications are selected. Then, select a choice from the pop-up menu.
Last modified date: 10/02/2020