OLE Client actions
The closeWidget action closes the part, but the connections are maintained and the widget can be reopened.
The contentsHelp action requests that the contents of the help file for the part be displayed.
The copy action copies the OLE object to the system clipboard.
The cut action copies the OLE object to the system clipboard and deletes the object from the view.
The destroyPart action destroys the part and its children, and releases all associated resources. You can use this action for both visual and nonvisual parts. All connections to the destroyed part are removed.
The disable action makes the part unavailable for selection.
The doVerb: action performs the action specified by the passed OLE verb.
The doVerbDiscardUndoState closes the OLE object and discards the undo state.
The doVerbHide action hides the OLE object.
The doVerbInPlaceActivate action activates the UI for the OLE object.
The doVerbOpen action opens the OLE object for editing in a separate window.
The doVerbPrimary action performs the primary verb for the object. For most OLE objects, this action opens the OLE object for editing.
The doVerbProperties action requests the OLE object's properties dialog.
The doVerbShow action shows the OLE object.
The doVerbUIActivate action activates the UI for the OLE object.
The enable action makes the part available for selection.
The getOleObjectDescriptor represents the OLE object descriptor (an instance of OleObjectDescriptor) for the part. The object descriptor is useful for system clipboard operations.
The help action requests that the general help associated with the part be displayed. General help is the main help panel associated with the part. You usually access general help through a help button on a window. From the general help panel you can access other help panels (such as menu and field help).
The helpForHelp action requests that help for help be displayed. The help for help panel provides instructions for using a help system. You usually access this help panel from the Help menu. It can contain information such as the structure and organization of the help library.
The helpIndex action requests that the help index be displayed. The help index lists key words or phrases that, when selected, link you to the help panel that explains the word or phrase.
The hide action makes the part invisible.
The keysHelp action requests that the keys help be displayed. The keys help panel explains the function and use of certain keyboard keys in an application.
The openWidget action opens the part.
The paste action pastes the contents of the system clipboard into the OLE object.
pasteFrom: (OleObjectDescriptor)
The pasteFrom: action pastes the contents of the passed OLE object descriptor (an instance of OleObjectDescriptor) into the OLE object.
The promptConvertObject action launches the standard OLE dialog to convert the OLE object's representation. This action returns true if it is successful, false if it fails, and nil if it is canceled.
promptInsertObject: (Integer)
The promptInsertObject: action invokes the standard OLE insert object dialog to create a new OLE object in the part. This action returns true if it is successful, false if it fails, and nil if it is canceled.
The argument passed to this action must be an integer containing the clientType for the new OLE object. Valid values are:
The OLE object is linked.
The OLE object is embedded.
The OLE object can be embedded or linked.
The above constants are in the OleConstants pool dictionary.
The promptPasteSpecial action invokes the standard OLE paste special dialog to create a new OLE object in the part from the contents of the system clipboard. This action returns true if it is successful, false if it fails, and nil if it is canceled.
The argument passed to this action must be an integer containing the clientType for the new OLE object. Valid values are:
The OLE object is linked.
The OLE object is embedded.
The OLE object can be embedded or linked.
The above constants are in the OleConstants pool dictionary.
restoreFromFile: (String)
The restoreFromFile: action restores the contents of the part's widget based upon the representation saved in an OLE compound file. The passed argument is the name of an OLE compound file containing an entry with the same name as the OLE Client part.
If the OLE object was linked when saved, it is restored from the file as a link. If the object was embedded when saved, the application data for the object is restored from the part to the widget.
This action returns true if it is successful, false if it fails.
saveToFile: (String)
The saveToFile: action saves the contents of the part's widget into an OLE compound file. The passed argument is the name of the target OLE compound file. The OLE object will be saved in the compound file using its part name as an identifier. This action returns true if it is successful, false if it fails.
The setFocus action sets input focus to the part. Focus determines whether or not keyboard input is directed to the part.
The setFocus action acts differently depending on which part is receiving the action. For example, if you connect the setFocus action to a Window part, the window comes to the foreground and is the active window. Or, if you connect the setFocus action to a Text part in a window, the cursor is moved to this field.
The show action makes the part visible.
The updateFromLink action updates the appearance of the OLE object in the part by retrieving the current data from its server application. This action is effective only for linked OLE Client parts.
Last modified date: 01/29/2015